"Center for Synchronous Thermal Analysis"
Synchronous thermal analysis (STA) combines the methods of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TG) in one study. With the help of STA, simultaneous measurements of thermal effects and changes in the mass of the sample are carried out under completely identical conditions. The areas of application of STA are metals, alloys, composite materials, plastics, rubber, fibers, coatings, ceramics, glass, building materials, medicines, food products, and the like.
Thermal analyzer «NETZSCH» STA 449 F1 Jupiter |
The laboratory is also equipped with a stationary arc/spark optical emission spectrometric analyzer SPECTROMAXx.
The tenth generation SPECTROMAXx arc/spark OES metal analyzer is designed for elemental analysis of alloys based on Fe, Al, Cu, Ni, Ti, Mg, which uses CCD detectors for recording the analytical signal, which ensures high accuracy of the analysis.
“Laboratory of gas analysis in metals and alloys”
The “Laboratory of Gas Analysis in Metals and Alloys” was created on the basis of the institute and is designed to determine the content of nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen, which are dissolved and are part of chemical compounds in metal alloys.
The nitrogen and oxygen analyzer TC-500 and the hydrogen analyzer RHEN-602 from LECO are modern research equipment that allows you to determine the gas content in alloys with high accuracy.
According to the technical specification for the TC-500 device, with a sample weight of about 1 g, the measurement range for oxygen is 0.00005% - 0.2% (0.5 ppm - 2000 ppm), and for nitrogen 0.00005% - 3% (0.5 - 30000 ppm). In this case, the total gas content in the metal is analyzed: dissolved and that which is part of chemical compounds.
According to the technical specification for the RHEN-602 hydrogen analyzer, the measurement range for hydrogen is 0.001% - 0.025% (10 ppm - 250 ppm), the analysis time is 7 minutes. The nominal sample weight is 1 g.
According to the provisions of the organization of the work of the Center for Collective Use, which are set out in the Order of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine No. 322 dated April 28, 2004, the Center for Collective Use of the PTIMA NAS of Ukraine can guarantee free service to other organizations of the NAS of Ukraine only if there are consumables included in the delivery of the device. Procedure for providing services (according to the Order of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine No. 322 dated April 28, 2004): 1. Scientific institutions and organizations of the NAS of Ukraine that need to conduct research on the scientific equipment of the Center (hereinafter referred to as the Customers) submit in writing to the Bureau of the Department of Physical and Technical Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine twice a year by January 15 and by June 15 their applications for the number of hours, terms and types of research, the conduct of which requires the use of scientific instruments and equipment of the Center. 2. The Bureau of the Department of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, upon the submission of the Director of the PTIMA of the NAS of Ukraine, approves the general distribution among the Customers of the working time allocated for the collective use of the Center's scientific equipment. 3. The Director of the PTIMA of the NAS of Ukraine, by his order, agreed with the Bureau of the Department of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, determines the Center's work schedule, establishes the required number of work shifts per working day, taking into account the operating mode of the scientific institution and the needs of NAS scientists in using the Center's scientific instruments. 4. When planning the Center's working time, the following distribution should be taken into account: for work in one shift (8 hours of working time), 3 hours are provided for the needs of the PTIMA of the NAS of Ukraine, 3 hours are provided free of charge for Customers - other scientific institutions and organizations of the NAS of Ukraine, 2 hours are allowed to be provided for paid use of the Center's equipment to other institutions, enterprises and organizations that are not under the jurisdiction of the NAS of Ukraine, in accordance with current legislation. The use of scientific equipment operating time is recorded in work logs. 5. Paid services for the use of the Center's scientific equipment for the needs of other customers are provided on a contractual basis in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. Work on gas analyzers TS-500 and RHEN-602, spectrometer, and thermal analyzer STA 449 F1 is carried out only by specialists of the Centers.