Department of Physics and Chemistry of Foundry Processes


Head of the Department

Shynskyi Oleg

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

ORCID:, Scopus ID 57224343399

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The total number of employees is 30 (29 scientific employees, 1 technical employee)


Shalevska Inna - Leading Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Docent

ORCID:,  Scopus ID 57205669569

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Doroshenko Volodymyr - Leading Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Scientist


e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ladareva Yuliia - Senior Researcher

ORCID:, Scopus 

e-mail: julia-ladaThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Shynskyi Volodymyr - Researcher

ORCID:, Scopus ID 57205674176,

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Neima Olexandr - Junior researcher

ORCID:, Scopus ID 57302196900;,

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Kvasnytska Yuliia - Leading Research Scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Scientist, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine

ORCID:, Scopus ID 57204351126

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kaliuzhnyi Pavlo - Senior Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.)

ORCID:,  Scopus ID 57205672489

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Klimenko Stepan - Senior Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.)

ORCID:, Scopus ID 57214938830

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




The main areas of activity of the department

Development of theory and practice:

- foundry processes using physical methods of strengthening the material of molds and foundry patterns that evaporate, burn out and melt;

- gas and hydrodynamic, heat exchange processes and structure formation during the flow, crystallization and cooling of alloys in the mold;

- casting methods using external influences: excess pressure, vacuum and forced cooling.


- functional structural cast products using the technology of lost foam casting or lost wax casting.

- new systems of control and management of foundry technological processes, equipment and environmental monitoring based on informational computer technologies.




Current projects:

Scientific and technological principles of obtaining functional cast and composite products from multicomponent alloys using removable polymer patterns.

Development of the latest technologies for the production of multifunctional protective modules.




The most significant achievements in scientific and practical activities

Research and development of the latest foundry technologies for the production of dual-purpose cast products using the lost foam casting method.

Scientific and technological principles of creating high-performance foundry processes for obtaining cast structures from iron-carbon and non-ferrous alloys and development of the concept of foundry rotor-conveyor complexes.

Development of scientific and technological principles of complex interaction of foundry processes for predictive quality control of cast structures from iron-carbon alloys based on the use of the latest information technologies.




Promising developments

Development of scientific foundations and creation of innovative technological processes for obtaining cast structures based on polymer pateerns for the organization of foundry productions.

Research and development of the latest foundry technologies for the production of dual/purpose composite cast products.






1. Low-temperature foundry molds: monogr. / Shinskyi O.Y., Lysenko T.V., Prokopovich I.V. and others. – Odesa: Phoenix, 2017. – 248 p.

2. Myalnitsa G. P., Verkhovlyuk A. M., Narivskyi A. V., Kvasnytska Y. G., Shinskyi O. Y., Maksyuta I. I. Materials and technologies for blades of domestic industrial gas turbine engines. - Kyiv. – Naukova dumka. – 2022, 254 p. ISBN: 978-966-000-1810-5

3. Structural materials: manufacture, properties, conditions of use. Chapter 2 Modern technological processes of obtaining cast products and structures of responsible purpose from aluminum, ferrous carbon and heatresistant alloys/ Anatoliy Narivskiy, Oleg Shinsky, Inna Shalevska, Yuliya Kvasnytska, Pavlo Kaliuzhnyi, Svitlana Polyvoda, 2023. Chapter 4. The influence of external actions and methods of alloying alloys on the operational characteristics of cast products by Anatoliy Narivskiy, Oleg Shinsky, Inna Shalevska, Yuliya Kvasnytska, Pavlo Kaliuzhnyi, Svitlana Polyvoda, 2023. (Scopus)

Patents of Ukraine:

1. Patent UA 133701 The method of making castings from isothermally hardened bainite cast iron / Doroshenko V.S., Kaliuzhnyi P.B., Shinskyi V.O. Published 04/25/2019, Bul. No. 8.

2. Patent UA 147217 The method of metal casting using gasified models with oxidation of gasification products / Shinsky O.Y., Doroshenko V.S. Published 04/24/2021, Bul. No. 16.

3. Patent UA 150306 The method of 3D forming of the working cavity of a vacuumed casting mold on a CNC machine / Shinskyi O.Y., Doroshenko V.S., Shalevskyi A.V. Published 01/26/2022. Bul. No. 4.

4. Patent UA 150121 The method of metal casting according to additively manufactured patterns that are gasified in vacuumed forms from loose sand, with oxidation of gasification products / O.Y. Shinskyi, V.S. Doroshenko. Published 05.01.2022. Bul. No. 1.

5. Patent UA 151359 The method of additive manufacturing of a polystyrene patterns or other three-dimensional object of complex configuration / O. Y. Shinskyi, V. S. Doroshenko, P. B. Kaliuzhnyi, O. V. Mykhnyan, O. V. Neima. Published 07/13/2022. Bul. No. 28.


Articles in international databases:

1. Shinsky, O., Shalevska, I., Kaliuzhnyi, P., Shinsky, V., Lysenko, T., Shevchuk, T. et. al. (2018). Principles of construction and identification of a multilevel system for monitoring parameters of technological cycle of casting. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5 (1 (95)), 25–32. doi:

2. Zakharchenko, E.V.Baglyuk, G.A., Sirenko, E.A.,  Shinsky O. Y., Goncharov, A.L. (2019). Ladle and in-mold modification methods for obtaining castings from cast irons with different graphite morphology. Science and Innovation. 15(1), 49-58.

3. Kaliuzhnyi P. (2020) Influence of Sand Fluidization on Structure and Properties of Aluminum Lost Foam Casting. Archives of Foundry Engineering. 2020. Vol. 20, No 1. pp. 122-126. DOI: 10.24425/afe.2020.131293

4. Kaliuzhnyi P., Voron M., Mykhnian O., Tymoshenko A., Neima O., Iangol O. (2021). Interaction of titanium with ceramic molds in the conditions of electron beam casting technology. Archives of Foundry Engineering. Vol. 21, No 3, 27 – 32. DOI: 10.24425/afe.2021.136109

5. Kvasnytska, Y. H., Ivaskevich, L. M., Balitskii, A. I., Kvasnytska, K. H., & Mialnitsa, H. P. (2022). Structural and Mechanical Properties of the Nickel Alloy of Gas-Turbine Engine Blades. Materials Science

6. Balitskii, O. I., Kvasnytska, Y. H., Ivaskevych, L. M., Mialnitsa, H. P., & Kvasnytska, K. H. (2022). Fatigue Fracture of the Blades of Gas-Turbine Engines Made of a New Refractory Nickel Alloy. Materials Science

7. Kaliuzhnyi P., Voron M., Mykhnian O., Neima O., Tymoshenko A. (2023). Effect of face coats and electron-beam casting technology on the interfacial reactions between titanium and ceramic mold. International Journal of Metalcasting.

8. Balitskii A.I., Kvasnytska Y.H., Ivaskevych L.M., Kvasnytska K.H., Balitskii O.A., Shalevska I.A, Shynskii O.Y., Jaworski J.M., Dowejko J.M. (2023). Hydrogen and Corrosion Resistance of Nickel Superalloys for Gas Turbines, Engines Cooled Blades. Energies. 16(3):1154.



1. Shinskyi O. Y., Kvasnytska Y. G., Maksyuta I. I., Mykhnian O.V. Formation of non-metal influences during hardening of zharomic alloys and melt refining methods. Casting processes. 2021. No 3. 12-23. DOI:    

2. Shinskyi O. Y., Kvasnytska Y. G., Maksyuta I. I., Neima O.V., Mykhnian O.V. Refining melts of heat-resistant alloys during casting of GTE details in shell forms obtained by foamed polystyrene models. Scientific Technical Journal Metal Science & Treatment of Metals. 2020, No 1, 37 – 48.

3. Shalevska I.A., Kaliuzhnyi P.B., Pogrebach Y. V. Using computer simulation to identify defects formation in steel castings of shut-off valves casted with lost foam process. Casting processes.  2021. No 3. 53-60. DOI:

4. Kaliuzhnyi P.B., Doroshenko V. S., Shalevska I.A. Methods of manufacture of castings for soil treatment equipment, cutting and impacting tools, self-sharpening. Casting processes. 2022. No 3. 34-41. DOI:

5. Shinsky V.O., Doroshenko V. S. Cast elements of modular building metal structures for their production by Lost Foam Casting. Metal and casting of Ukraine. 2022. No 3. 67-71. DOI:

6. Doroshenko V. S., Kaliuzhnyi P. B. Prevention of surface defects on the internal cavities of casing iron castings. Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy. Collection of scientific papers. Collection 36. 2022. 487-498. DOI:

7. Shinskyi O. Y., Mykhnian O.V., Neima O.V., Doroshenko V.S. Adaptation of the process of additive production of patterns for their gasification in sand form during metal pouring, as well as for the disposal of polystyrene foam waste. Casting processes. 2022.  No 4. 34-42.

8. Shalevska I.A., Doroshenko V.S., Kaliuzhnyi P.B., Kvasnytska Y.G. Review of the use of cast metal materials in the construction of underground and protective structures. Metal and casting of Ukraine, vol. 30, 2022, 54-61.

9. Shalevska I.A., Kvasnytska Y. H. Kvasnytska K. H. Technological solutions for producing quality castings from high chromium iron.. Scientific Technical Journal Metal Science & Treatment of Metals. 2022, No 1, 22-29.

10.  Kaliuzhnyi P.B., Shinskyi O. Y. Determination of the duration of forced cooling of castings in containers on foundry rotary-conveyor lines. Casting processes. 2023. No 1. 35-42.


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19 вересня 2024 р. об 11.00 годині на засіданні спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 26.232.01
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Захист дисертації PhD

24 липня 2024 року о 10 годині у залі засідань вченої ради  ФТІМС НАН України відбудеться захист дисертації Нурадінова Ібрагіма Абдійовича для здобуття ступеня доктора фіософії.
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Конференція Литво.Металургія-2024

XX Ювілейна Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Литво. Металургія. 2024», присвячена академіку НАН України В.Л. Найдеку та Нарада-конференція «Промисловість України. Ливарне виробництво, як основна складова для відродження промислового комплексу»

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