Department of mathematical methods of research and informational and computer technologies


Head of the department

Tarasevich Mykola I.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher

ORCID:; Scopus ID 6602167574;

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Tel.: +38(044)424-34-50


The total number of employees is 20 (15 scientific employees, 5 technical employees).

Korniets Iryna V.

Deputy Head of the Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher,

ORCID:; Scopus ID 6504237924

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Tel.: +38(044)424-34-50


Shalevska Inna A.

Leading Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Docent

ORCID:, Scopus ID 57205669569

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Taranukhina Liudmila D.

Researcher, Candidate of Chemical Sciences


Tarasevich Ivan M.

Chief programmer

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Tokareva Olga O.

Chief mathematician.

E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Tel.: +38(044)424-34-50


Kozlov Viktor P.

Chief Electronics Engineer


Rybitskiy Oleksandr I.

Junior researcher


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Tel. +38(044)424-34-50

Veis Valentyn I.

Junior researcher, Ph. D.

ORCID:, Scopus ID 57215207245



The main areas of activity of the department

The main directions of the department activity are: mathematical and statistical simulation of physical and technological processes in foundry and metallurgy; computer technologies.


  • development of theoretical foundations for technological processes in foundry and metallurgy that provide formation of ingots and castings obtained according to various technological schedules;
  • development of mathematical and statistical models, computing algorithms and software for investigation of heat and mass transfers processes, structure formation processes and thermoelastic state of ingots and castings during their formation and further thermal treatment;
  • processing, analysis and interpretation of the results of computational experiments;

transfer and implementation of research results of relevant technological processes with the aim of their improvement and optimization (including the  equipment characteristics and technological modes).



Current projects.

  • Study of alloys crystallization using temperature-kinetic and MHD effects on the metal of cast billets.
  • The influence of the mass ratio of the reinforcing element and the matrix melt on the formation of a heterogeneous casting



The most important achievements of scientific and practical activity

Based on the theory of contact heat exchange the possibility of effective control of the solidification of ingots and castings due to external heat removal was studied.  It was established that for given geometry of the ingot the change in the external heat removal affects the rate of hardening in the surface that removes heat to a certain thickness of the solid crust. After reaching this thickness the change in heat removal intensity has a local effect on the thermal state of the wall area.

Models of the processes of large centrifugal castings formation were developed which were used during improvement of the technology for obtaining long-sized centrifugal bronze and steel casting under flux.

Taking into account the technological features of the obtaining various types of composite materials, several approaches to the study of thermophysical processes of the formation of various cast composite materials were proposed and implemented paying attention to the technological features of their production such as reinforced with granules (casting and leakage), layered materials, composites with macro inserts.

The study of influence of the speed and pouring method on the formation of ingots with various masses was carried out. The thermal work of the overpour during the formation of large forge ingots, as well as the redistribution of hydrodynamic flows in the process of casting and solidification of the 142-t ingot was studied and their relationship with the zonal heterogeneity of the solidified ingot was determined.

The method of evaluating rational technological regimes for plasma treatment of liquid metal with electrodes of different geometry was proposed. On the base of the change in the thermal state of the immersed electrode during plasma treatment of liquid metal the speed if its melting was estimated, that made possible the reasonable choose of speed of consumable electrode immersion in order to maintain the stationary mode of plasma treatment.

The methods of the rational choice of technological parameters for roll casting during obtaining the thin strip up to 6 mm of medium-alloy and stainless steels under change of geometric characteristics of equipment, as well as intensity of heat removal at the metal-roll, was developed.



Promising developments

Further in-depth study of the processes of forming ingots and castings obtained according to various technological schemes, using various external action on liquid metal and solidifying metal, in order to control both the hardening process and the process of structure formation. The development, using computer and mathematical modeling methods, of technological process management models will ensure the necessary complex of service and physical properties of metal products.



  1. Publications


    1. Patent UA 123607 The method of processing alloys with high-temperature reagents. Narivskyi A.V., Dubodelov V.I., Tarasevich M.I., Davydenko V.M., Narivskyi O.A., Perehoda V.V. Published on April 28, 2021, Bull. No. 17/2021.
    2. Patent UA 126210. Plasmotron for deep processing of alloys with high-temperature reagents. Narivskyi A.V., Tarasevich M.I., Yangol O.A., Narivska L.A., Perehoda V.V., Tverdokhvalov V.O. Published on 31.08.2022, Bull. 35/2022.


    1. N.I. Tarasevich, S.G. Melnyk et al. Production technology of convector steel with polyreagent refining. K. – Informlite, 2010. – 350 p.

    2. A.H. Dymnich, I.V. Korniets. Basics of similarity theory and physical modeling. Kyiv: LLC "SYK GROUP UKRAINE", 2016. - 172 p.

    3. V.L. Naidek, I.V. Korniets. Use of steelmaking slags in metallurgical technologies. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2018, 68 p.

    Articles in international databases:

    1. G. Borisov, N. I. Tarasevich, I. V. Korniets, A. I. Semenchenko. Predicting Type of Morphology of Primary Phase in a Thin-Walled Metal Mould. Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2013, Vol. 114, No. 3. P.242-245.

    2. V.L. Naidek, N.I.Tarasevich, I.V.Korniets, I.N.Tarasevich Computer modelling for thin strip twin-roll casting. Steel in Translation, Vol. 47, № 7,2017, pp 497-503.

    3. Balitskii A.I, Kvasnytska Y.H, Ivaskevych L.M, Kvasnytska K.H, Balitskii O.A, Shalevska I.A, Shynskii O.Y, Jaworski J.M, Dowejko J.M. (2023). Hydrogen and Corrosion Resistance of Nickel Superalloys for Gas Turbines, Engines Cooled Blades. Energies. 2023; 16(3):1154.


    1. TarasevichI., Korniets I.V., Tarasevich I.N. Selection of optimal conditions for heat dissipation from the side surface of a continuously cast workpiece in the secondary cooling zone. Metal and casting of Ukraine. - No. 10, 2014, p. 8-12
    2. Korniets V., Tarasevich I. N., Koshevoy I. K., Rybytskyi A. I. The influence of the intensity of the heat sink in the secondary cooling zone on the formation of a continuously cast billet. Metal and casting of Ukraine. - No. 11, 2014. - P. 17-21.

    3. Tarasevich N.I., Korniets I.V., Tarasevich I.N., Tokareva O.O. Prediction of the region of rational modes of heat removal during the formation of a thin strip during roll casting. Casting Processes. - No. 6, 2016, pp. 40-49.

    4. Kvasnytska Y.H., Tarasevich M.I., Maksyuta I.I., Tokareva O.O., Mykhnyan O.V., Myalnitsa H.P. The use of calculation methods in the creation of new alloying complexes of heat-resistant alloys for gas turbine parts. Casting processes. - No. 2, 2019, pp. 79-87

    5. Narivskyi A.V., Tarasevich M.I., Dubodelov V.I., Tarasevich I.M. Peculiarities of vapor phase transfer during plasma processing of aluminum alloys. Casting processes. - No. 5, 2019, pp. 32-36

    6. Narivskyi A.V., Smirnov O.M., Tarasevich M.I., Kondratyuk S.E. Chemical and physical inhomogeneities and gases in a large steel ingot. Metal Science & Treatment of Metals. - 2020. - No. 4. - P. 3 - 9.

    7. Narivskyi A.V., Smirnov O.M., Tarasevich M.I., Kondratyuk S.Ye., Perekhoda V.V. Non-metallic inclusions in the large blacksmith ingot made from steel 25ХНЗМФА. . Metal and casting of Ukraine.- 2020.- №4, vol.28. - P.14-18.

    8. Tarasevich M.I., Narivskyi A.V., Smirnov O.M., Korniets I.V., Tarasevich I.M. Peculiarities of the redistribution of convective flows in the process of pouring and forming a large ingot. Casting processes. No. 1 (147), 2022, pp. 12-21.

    9. Kvasnytska Y.H., Maksiuta I.I., Shalevska I.A., Kvasnytska K.H., Noga V.O. The use of ceramic filters in the smelting of workpieces from heat-resistant alloys. Casting processes.- No. 2 (152) 2023.

    10. Shinsky O.Y., Shalevska I.A., Doroshenko V.S. Equipment of the metal casting shop according to gasification models, modern 3D. Metal and casting of Ukraine, 2023, vol. 31, No 1, p. 57-62.


Відбудеться захист дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук

19 вересня 2024 р. об 11.00 годині на засіданні спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 26.232.01
Ознайомити з матеріалами дисертації

Захист дисертації PhD

24 липня 2024 року о 10 годині у залі засідань вченої ради  ФТІМС НАН України відбудеться захист дисертації Нурадінова Ібрагіма Абдійовича для здобуття ступеня доктора фіософії.
Ознайомитися з матеріалами дисертації

Конференція Литво.Металургія-2024

XX Ювілейна Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Литво. Металургія. 2024», присвячена академіку НАН України В.Л. Найдеку та Нарада-конференція «Промисловість України. Ливарне виробництво, як основна складова для відродження промислового комплексу»

монографія “Сталь України: відновлення та інновації”

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