Technology Transfer and Patenting Department

Head of the Department

Gnyloskurenko Svyatoslav

Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.), Senior Researcher,

Scopus  ID  36107811000, Web of Science ResearcherID AAE-4279-2019

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel. +38044 4241250


The total number of employees is 15 (13 scientific employees, 2 technical employees)


Strygun Vitaliy

Deputy Head of the department, Candidate of sciences in public administration (Ph. D.)

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

tel. +38044 4241250

Voloshyn Nina

Leading Engineer

Gomza Lyudmila

Leading Engineer

Gorshkova Anastasia

Leading Engineer

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Dyachenko Maxim

Chief Technologist

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Smolyanska Valentina

Leading Engineer

Chaplygina Lyudmila

Chief Technologist

Yarovy Mykola

Leading Engineer




The main areas of activity of the department

The Department of Technology Transfer and Patenting was created in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On State Regulation of Activities in the Field of Technology Transfer" and Order of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine No. 15 dated 16.01.07.

The department is an independent scientific-organizational unit that performs scientific-technical, scientific-organizational, and scientific-methodical work, in particular, on the research of technology transfer, standardization, innovative activity, and intellectual property in the Institute's field of specialization.

The tasks of the department, which are performed by the relevant groups of employees, also include:

- organization and realization of scientific and technical conferences, exhibition and fair events;

- ensuring the functioning of the secretariat of the Technical Standardization Committee 177 "Foundry" and organizing the development of National Standards;

- ensuring the organization and implementation of the Institute's international and foreign economic activities.

- ensuring the editing and publication of the scientific journals "Casting Processes" and "Metal and Casting of Ukraine"

Nowadays the Projects of the National standards are being developed:

- DSTU “Hatches for looking-through wells and rain feeds wells. Technical conditions";

- DSTU “Braking pads of iron. General Technical conditions ".

There are 4 issues of both scientific Journals, which contains about of 35-40 papers

Superviding international scientific and technical contracts.

The organization of 1-2 international and all-Ukrainian scientific and technical conferences, and the organization of 1-2 international and all-Ukrainian scientific and technical conferences.


The most significant achievements in scientific and practical activities

In the direction of standardization

The Secretariat of TC 177, together with other scientific divisions of the institute, developed and ensured that seven national standards of Ukraine were put into effect by the National Standardization Body of Ukraine.


In publishing

Special ordered editions of magazines were issued on a contractual basis with leading enterprises and scientific and educational institutions of Ukraine, namely:

- PJSC "EVRAZ — DMZ named after Petrovsky;

- Mariupol metallurgical plant named after Ilyich;

- NTUU "KPI named after I. Sikorsky" (dedicated to the department of foundry production);

- Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy named after Z. I. Nekrasova NAS of Ukraine.



In marketing, innovation activities, organization and participation in scientific and technical conferences and exhibition events.

- The Institute participated in about 100 international and all-Ukrainian exhibitions, acted as the main organizer of 10 international scientific and practical conferences "Casting. Metallurgy" and co-organizer of 15 similar events; 20 round tables, meetings, etc. with managers of foundry and machine-building enterprises, including, jointly with the Association of Foundries of Ukraine.






1. V. O. Strygun, N. M. Voloshin, S. V. Gnyloskurenko, L. S. Chaplygina. Systematization of the Process of Standards Development in Foundry. Casting processes, No. 4, 2020, pp. 63-70.

2. V.A. Stygun, N.M. Voloshin, S.V. Gnyloskurenko, L.S. Chaplygina Research on the standardization in foundry of Ukraine. Metal and casting of Ukraine. No. 5-6, 2019, pp. 28-32.

3. S.V. Gnyloskurenko, S.Ye. Kondratyuk, Novel constructional materials with an oriented porous structure – gazars. Scientific and technical journal "Metalscience and treatment of metals", No. 28(102), 2022, pp. 28-37.


Articles in international databases Scopus / Web of Science:

  1. Alexandra Byakova, Svyatoslav Gnyloskurenko, Andrey Vlasov, Nikolay Semenov, Yan Yevych, Oleksandra Zatsarna, and Vladimir Danilyuk. Effect of Cell Wall Ductility and Toughness on Compressive Response and Strain Rate Sensitivity of Aluminium Foam. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. Volume 2019, Article ID 3474656, 13 pages,
  2. V. Byakova, G. V. Stepanov, A. O. Vlasov, V. E. Danylyuk, N. V. Semenov, I.M. Berezovs’kyi and S. V. Gnyloskurenko. Characterization of Aluminum Foam Impact Response. Strength of Materials, Vol. 51, No. 5, September, 2019, P. 726-734. DOI 10.1007/s11223-019-00121-5

3. Ye. Aftandiliants, S. Gnyloskurenko, Development of the advanced alloyed steels for machinery, Engineering for Rural Development, Volume 20. 2021. P.706-711.

4. Ye. Aftandiliants, S. Gnyloskurenko, Development of the advanced alloyed steels for machinery, Book of Abstracts 20th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, 26-28.05.2021 Jelgava, LATVIA. DOI: 10.22616/ERDev.2021.20.TF155

5. Byakova A., Gnyloskurenko S., Vlasov A., Yevych Y., Semenov N. The Mechanical Performance of Aluminum Foam Fabricated by Melt Processing with Different Foaming Agents: A Comparative Analysis. Metals. 2022, 12(8):1384.

6. Ye. Aftandiliants, S. Gnyloskurenko, H. Meniailo, V. Khrychikov, Optimization of the production process of structural steels modified with nitrogen and vanadium. Engineering for Rural Development, Volume 21, 2022     P. 286-294

7. V. Khrychikov, A. Semenov, H. Meniailo, Y. Aftandiliants, S. Gnyloskurenko. The Process of Vacuum Formation in the Shrinkage Cavity at Castings Crystallization. Archives of Foundry Engineering. Vol. 22, Issue 4, 2022, P. 79-84. DOI: 10.24425/afe.2022.143953

8. Ye. Aftandiliants, S. Gnyloskurenko, H. Meniailo, V. Khrychikov, Optimization of the production process of structural steels modified with nitrogen and vanadium. Proceedings 21st International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, May 25-27, 2022 Jelgava, LATVIA. P. 286-294.

9. V. Khrychikov, H. Meniailo, A. Semenov, Y. Aftandiliants, S. Gnyloskurenko. Graphitizing modification of the axial zone of cast iron rolling rolls in the liquidus-solidus temperature range.  Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2023, (1): 067-073.

10. Y. Aftandiliants, S. Gnyloskurenko, H. Meniailo, V. Khrychikov, V. Lomakin. Regularities of Crystallization Heat Release During Solidification of Alloyed Cast Irons. Archives of Foundry Engineering. 2023, Vol. 23, №1, P. 110-117.


Відбудеться захист дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук

19 вересня 2024 р. об 11.00 годині на засіданні спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 26.232.01
Ознайомити з матеріалами дисертації

Захист дисертації PhD

24 липня 2024 року о 10 годині у залі засідань вченої ради  ФТІМС НАН України відбудеться захист дисертації Нурадінова Ібрагіма Абдійовича для здобуття ступеня доктора фіософії.
Ознайомитися з матеріалами дисертації

Конференція Литво.Металургія-2024

XX Ювілейна Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Литво. Металургія. 2024», присвячена академіку НАН України В.Л. Найдеку та Нарада-конференція «Промисловість України. Ливарне виробництво, як основна складова для відродження промислового комплексу»