Department of coordination of scientific and research works


Head of the Department

Lakhnenko Volodymur

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Scientist

Scopus ID 12345563500

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel. +38(044)424-12-10


The total number of employees is 10 (8 scientific employees, 2 technical employee).


Baranov Ivan

Senior Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences


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Oleksenko Irina



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Perekhoda Viktoriya
Junior Researcher


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The main areas of activity of the department

The main tasks of the department of coordination and forecasting of scientific research works are to study the main trends in the development of foundry production and ferrous metallurgy and to develop substantiated recommendations regarding the selection of prospective directions of scientific research in these fields; organization of planning of research works at the institute, control over their implementation and preparation of reporting materials; implementation of organizational measures regarding the training and use of scientific personnel.







Patents of Ukraine:

1. Patent UA 152490. The method of obtaining VES-MAX composites / Yu. M. Lytvynenko, I. V. Oleksenko, V. S. Korchemna, A. A. Rogozinskyi, O. М. Bloshchanevich. Published 08.02.2023, Bul. No. 6.

2. Patent UA 145499 The method of obtaining multilayer metal-ceramic coatings / Lytvynenko Yu. M., Oleksenko I. V., Lobodyuk V. A. Published 10.12.2020, Bul. No. 23.


Articles in international databases:

1. Novytskyi V. G., Havryliuk V. P, Lakhnenko V. L, Panasenko D. D, Khoruzhyi V. Ya., Kal’chuk N. A. Effect of Carbon and Copper on the Structure of Cast Fe–Cr–Cu–C Alloys and Their Tribological Characteristics under the Conditions of Sliding Friction. Journal of Friction and Wear. - 2015. - Vol. 36. - No. 1. P. 56-64. DOI: 10.3103/S1068366615010092.

2. Novytskyi V. G., Loktionov-Remizovskyi V. A., Lakhnenko V. L., Panasenko D. D. Wear Resistance of Cast Fe–Cr–C Steels with Various Combinations  of Structural Constituents at High Velocities of Sliding. Journal of Friction and Wear. – 2016. - Vol. 37. - No. – 4. – P. 363–370. DOI: 10.3103/S1068366616040140.

3. Balitskii A.I., Kvasnytska Yu. H., Ivaskevich L.M., Mialnitsa H.P. Corrosion and hydrogen resistance of heatproof blade nickel-cobalt alloys. Materials Science. -  2018. – Vol.54. - N 2. - Р. 289-294.

4. Balitskii A.I.; Yu. H. Kvasnytska; Ivaskevich L.M.; Mialnitsa H.P. Hydrogen and corrosion resistance of Ni-Co superalloys for gas turbine engines blades. Archives of Materials Science and Engineering. -  2018. – Vol. 91, Issue 1, P. 5-14.

5. Kvasnytska, Y. H., Ivaskevych, L. М., Balytskyi, О. І., Maksyuta, І. І., & Myalnitsa, H. P. (2020). High-Temperature Salt Corrosion of a Heat-Resistant Nickel Alloy. Materials Science, 56(3), 432–440.

6. Kvasnytska, Y. H., Ivaskevich, L. M., Balitskii, A. I., Kvasnytska, K. H., & Mialnitsa, H. P. (2022). Structural and Mechanical Properties of the Nickel Alloy of Gas-Turbine Engine Blades. Materials Science

7. Balitskii, O. I., Kvasnytska, Y. H., Ivaskevych, L. M., Mialnitsa, H. P., & Kvasnytska, K. H. (2022). Fatigue Fracture of the Blades of Gas-Turbine Engines Made of a New Refractory Nickel Alloy. Materials Science

8. Balitskii A.I., Kvasnytska Y.H., Ivaskevych L.M., Kvasnytska K.H., Balitskii O.A., Shalevska I.A, Shynskii O.Y., Jaworski J.M., Dowejko J.M. (2023). Hydrogen and Corrosion Resistance of Nickel Superalloys for Gas Turbines, Engines Cooled Blades. Energies. 16(3):1154.

9. Nogovitsyn O. V., Seredenko V. O., Seredenko O. V., Baranov I. R., Shkolyarenko V. P. Peculiarities of the initial stage of interaction of Cu–Fe alloy components during heating in an induction crucible furnace. Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies, 2022. vol. 44, №11, pp. 1551–1564.


1. Novytskyi V. G., Shipitsyn S. Y., Lakhnenko V.L., Loktionov-Remizovsky V. A., Kalchuk N.A. Tribological Characteristics of Cast 120Cr15, 120Cr15Al and Standard 20Cr13 Steels in Conditions of Boundary Friction. Casting processes. – 2019. - №3. - p. 59-66.

2. Verkhovliuk A. M., Lachnenko V. L., Petrovsky R. V., Chervony I. F. Estimate of cooling rate of melts based on non-ferrous metals. Scientific Technical Journal Metal Science & Treatment of Metals. 2019. № 1. P. 48-52.                                                  

3. Verkhovliuk A. M., Rusakov P.V., Lachnenko V. L., Petrovsky R. V., Chervony I. F. The Process of Obtaining Secondary Non-Ferrous Alloys Using Induction Melting.  Casting processes. 2019. № 2. P. 54-62.   

4. Shinskyi O. Y., Kvasnytska Y. G., Maksyuta I. I., Mykhnian O.V. Formation of non-metal influences during hardening of zharomic alloys and melt refining methods. Casting processes. 2021. No 3. 12-23. DOI:    

5. Shinskyi O. Y., Kvasnytska Y. G., Maksyuta I. I., Neima O.V., Mykhnian O.V. Refining melts of heat-resistant alloys during casting of GTE details in shell forms obtained by foamed polystyrene models. Scientific Technical Journal Metal Science & Treatment of Metals. 2020, No 1, 37 – 48.

6. Nogovitsyn A.V., Lakhnenko V.L., Baranov I.R. Influence of cooling rate on the formation of the primary structure of deformable aluminum alloys. Scientific Technical Journal Metal Science & Treatment of Metals. 2021, No 1, 3 – 8.

7. Loktionov-Remizovsky V. A., Kiryakova N. V., Fedorov G. Ye., Gribov N. N.,  Oleksenko I. V. Optimization of Carbon and Magganese Content in Steel 110G13L. Casting processes. 2020.  №4. - 33-36.

8. Loktionov-Remizovsky V. A., Shipitsyn S. Y., Novitsky V. G., Kiryakova N. V., Yurchenko P. S., Oleksenko I.V. The effectiveness of the effect of copper doping on the wear of eutectoid steels. Scientific Technical Journal Metal Science & Treatment of Metals.  2022. №4. P. 30-39.


Відбудеться захист дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук

19 вересня 2024 р. об 11.00 годині на засіданні спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 26.232.01
Ознайомити з матеріалами дисертації

Захист дисертації PhD

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Конференція Литво.Металургія-2024

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