Head of the department

Anatolii Verkhovliuk,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Phone num. 044 452-97-36;

Orcid ID:

Scopus Author ID: 57200538798 

Google Scholar  

Номер ResearcherID Web of Science: AAJ-9440-2020  

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The main scientific interests are in the field of foundry production, metallurgy, and physical-chemistry of surface phenomena of high-temperature materials.

Сompiling a databank for developing a model of the mechanism of formation of nodular graphite in iron-based melts; thermodynamic and kinetic calculations of the processes of crystallization of iron-carbon alloys; development of original methods and installations for studying surface phenomena in metal-metal, metal-refractory material systems and the kinetics of dissolution of high-temperature metals in liquid alloys


The total number of employees is 24 (19 scientific employees, 5 technical employees)    

Oleksandr Shcheretskyi 

Scopus Author ID: 24588284300 

 Orcid ID: 0000-0001-9030-876X 

Google Scholar  

 Specialist in the field of physical chemistry of alloys, technology of obtaining composite, amorphous, and nanocrystalline materials, foundry production, thermal analysis, and interfacial interactions in metallic systems.

  • Dmytro Kanibolotsky 

Orcid ID: 0009-0001-2489-9167  

Scopus Author ID: 6701422866  

  • Ruslan Sergiienko, Senior Researcher

Orcid ID:  0000-0003-3613-9330 

Scopus Author ID: 8853425400 


 Study of the structure and properties of Zr-, Al-, Fe-based amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys; Obtaining of high entropy alloys (HEA) castings of different metal systems FeNiCrCuAl, FeNiCrCuMn, FeNiCrCoMn using lost-foam casting process, study of their structural and mechanical characteristics. Study of the structure and properties of indium-tin oxide (ITO) thin films produced by magnetron sputtering method; Development and research of the technological process of obtaining of high-strength aluminum alloys.

  • Volodymyr Shcheretskyi 

Orcid ID:  0000-0002-8561-4444 

Scopus Author ID: 24588080400 

ResearcherID: E-8816-2018 


 Metallographic and thermal analyses of non-ferrous alloys, amorphous and high-entropy alloys, and development of aluminum and copper-based composites reinforced with whiskers particles or with layered structure. Operating and adjustment of laboratory and science equipment (including thermal analysis equipment). Design and construction of experimental stands for the physical and metallurgical processes studies.



The main areas of activity of the department

Physico-chemical studies of the production and processing processes of metal materials; study of phase interaction in alloys in the liquid state and in crystallization process, development of technological methods for obtaining high-strength and precision alloys.

Main areas of research and investigations:

- the thermodynamics and kinetics of alloy formation, interactions of phases in alloys in the liquid and solid states, and as well as in the progress of crystallization;

- research of the processes of formation and thermostabilization of phases in the interval of transition from bulk amorphous to nanostructured state, development of technologies for high-strength and wear-resistant nanomaterials based on chemically active elements production;

-  theoretical and experimental studies of the interaction of phases in multi-component systems based on non-ferrous metals, investigation of the relationship between the phase composition and electrical conductivity, and developing technological bases for obtaining alloys with a specified electrical conductivity.

- research of corrosion resistance of the new metallic alloys;

- development of technological methods of obtaining and processing alloys, determining the optimal composition of high-strength and precision alloys;

- obtaining volume-amorphized alloys and composites based on chemically active elements;

- new cast oxide and mica crystal materials and their casting technologies development.

Current projects

  • 0122U200168 Development of technological process of obtaining mass and special purpose profiles from high-strength aluminum alloys.
  • 0121U108343 Development of scientific and technological foundations of processes for increasing wear resistance and brittle fracture resistance of steel castings.
  • 0121U109213 Physico-chemical regularities of processes of obtaining castings from high-entropy alloys.
  • 0123U103010 Features of interaction of high-entropy alloys with iron-based melts.

The most significant achievements in scientific and practical activities

The technology of obtaining amorphous and nanocrystalline ligatures for modifying alloys based on ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

Development of new high-entropy alloys based on ferrous and non-ferrous metals of various functional purposes.

Production technologies of composite materials under conditions of liquid-solid phase combination based on copper and aluminum alloys.


Promising developments

The production technology of the products manufactured of aluminum-based composite materials with dispersed particles of different fractional compositions.

Development of non-ferrous alloys with specified electrical conductivity.

The method of obtaining bulk amorphized metallic alloys

Anti-friction composite material for friction-sliding items with a self-lubricating effect and a low level of wear.

Wear-resistant cast iron, modified with active additives.

The method of obtaining cast composite materials reinforced with high-modulus carbides in vacuum forms.

Cast heat- and corrosion-resistant mechanically processed mica crystallite materials with high dielectric properties.



1. Steel casting: Monograph / G.E. Fedorov, M.M. Yamshinsky, E.A. Platonov, R.V. Liutiy. – K.: NTUU “KPI”, PJSC “Vipol”, 2013 – 896 p.

Patents of Ukraine

1. Patent UA 99433. Steel / Shipytsyn S.Ya., Babaskin Y.Z., Kirchu I.F., Ostash O.P., Babachenko O.I. Published 10/06/2015, Bul. No. 11.

2. Patent UA 126615. Steel for railway wheel pairs / Shipytsyn S.Ya., Kirchu I.F., Lykhovei D.I., Ostash O.P., Kulyk V.V., Poznyakov V.D., Hayvoronskyi O.A. Published 02/11/2022, Bul. No. 44.

3. Patent UA 152490. The method of obtaining VES-MAX composites / Yu. M. Lytvynenko, I. V. Oleksenko, V. S. Korchemna, A. A. Rogozinskyi, O. М. Bloshchanevich. Published 08/02/2023, Bul. No. 6.


Articles in international databases Scopus / Web of Science



  1. Верховлюк A.M., Червоный И.Ф. “Термодинамика пирометаллургических процессов, часть 1 / Научное окружение современного человека”: Техника и технологии.-Одесса: Куприенко С.В., 2018.-181 с., ISBN 978-617-7414-28-4
  2. Верховлюк А.М., Иванова Т.Н., Копей Б.В., Толбатов В.А., Толбатов А.В. и др. ермодинамика гидрометаллургических процессов. Иновационная наука, образование, транспорт: Техника и технологии: монография Одесса: Куприенко С.В. ISBN 978-617-7414-51-2
  3. Кондратюк С.Є.,Пархомчук Ж.В., Стоянова О.М., Щеглов В.М. Спадкове модифікування сталі. К. : Видавець Кравченко Я.О., 2018. –130 С, ISBN 978-966-97775-5-3.

4. Verkhovliuk A.M., Shcheretskyi O.A., Sergiienko R.A. Functional copper-based materials with specified electrical conductivity. -Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 2019, 149 p., ISBN 978-966-00-1660-6.

Patents of Ukraine: 

  1. Patent of Ukraine No. 123598 Verkhovliuk A.M.; Rusakov P.V., Shcheretskyi O.A., Petrovskyi R.V. Melting furnace for processing dispersion melts, April 28, 2021, Bull. No. 17/2021.
  2. Patent of Ukraine No. 122529 Zatulovskyi A.S., Malyavin A.G., Shcheretskyi V.O., Kuzmenko O.A., Lakeev V.A. Stone casting based on fluorophlogopite and its production method 25.11.2020, Bull. No. 22/2020

Articles in international databases Scopus / Web of Science:  

  1. Sergiienko R.A., Zadoroznyy V.Yu., Verkhovliuk A.M., Lonzguine-Luzgin D.V.Investigation of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 Bulk Amorphous Alloy Crystallization of Alloys and Compounds.- 2019.- V. 791.- P. 477-482
  2. Kanibolotsky D.S., Shcheretskyi O.A., Afanasiev M.V., Verkhovliuk A.M. Modelling of structure of a liquid Al-0.2% Ti alloy (2017) Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii, 39 (11), pp. 1481 - 1495,.
  3. V. Vdovychenko, M.V. Bulanova, O.A. Shcheretskyi Dynamic mechanical behavior of intermetallic Ti3Sn Scripta Materialia.- 2010.- № 62. – P. 758-761.
  4. Shcheretskyi V.O.; Maliavin A.H.; Shcheretskiy O.A.; Korzhyk V.M.; Peleshenko S.I.; Aloshyn A.A. The specific features of manufacturing corrosion-resistant fluorophlogopite products by electric arc melting with the use of carbide powder modifiers in conditions of small-scale production Science and Innovation journal (2023), 3(19), P. 82 – 93

Dovbenko, V.V., Verkhovliuk, A.M. Processing of aluminum slag with the use of soda, Science and Innovation (2023), 19(4), pp. 93–10


Відбудеться захист дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук

19 вересня 2024 р. об 11.00 годині на засіданні спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 26.232.01
Ознайомити з матеріалами дисертації

Захист дисертації PhD

24 липня 2024 року о 10 годині у залі засідань вченої ради  ФТІМС НАН України відбудеться захист дисертації Нурадінова Ібрагіма Абдійовича для здобуття ступеня доктора фіософії.
Ознайомитися з матеріалами дисертації

Конференція Литво.Металургія-2024

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